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  • 横浜市中区元町の眼科・美容皮膚科|元町マリン眼科

    Ophthalmology and cosmetic dermatology in Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama|Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology List of blog articles 2024年4月10日 子供の視力検査と新しい診療担当医のご紹介 2024年4月8日 目頭切開x眉下切開・男性の場合 2024年4月5日 2024年5月より診療時間変更のお知らせ 2024年4月4日 春休みの間に治したい霰粒腫 2024年3月31日 アイラインアートメイクを始めました! 2024年3月28日 多発霰粒腫に対するアイリッドスパの効果 CLINIC BLOG clinic blog Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor Partial Change Information ・On the dates below, the outpatient ophthalmologist will be changed. note that. 2/18 (Sat) 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Yamamoto 3/18 (Sat) 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Nakanishi *Cosmetic dermatology and surgical examinations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. ​ ​Guidance of urology outpatient temporary closure ・On the following dates, the clinic will be temporarily closed due to attendance at the medical conference in charge. note that. 2/24 (Fri) 16:00-18:30 4/21 (Fri) 15:00-18:30 ​ Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor / Notice of Partial Change in Outpatient Hours From March 2022, some ophthalmology outpatient doctors have been changed as follows. Monday 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Tase Tuesdays 15:00-18:30: Closed for outpatients Reservation only (surgery/treatment only) Friday 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Takeda *Cosmetic dermatology consultations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor Partial Change Information ・On the dates below, the outpatient ophthalmologist will be changed. note that. 2/18 (Sat) 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Yamamoto 3/18 (Sat) 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Nakanishi *Cosmetic dermatology and surgical examinations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. ​ ​Guidance of urology outpatient temporary closure ・On the following dates, the clinic will be temporarily closed due to attendance at the medical conference in charge. note that. 2/24 (Fri) 16:00-18:30 4/21 (Fri) 15:00-18:30 ​ Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor / Notice of Partial Change in Outpatient Hours From March 2022, some ophthalmology outpatient doctors have been changed as follows. Monday 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Tase Tuesdays 15:00-18:30: Closed for outpatients Reservation only (surgery/treatment only) Friday 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Takeda *Cosmetic dermatology consultations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. 【採用情報】当サイトからの応募で 採用​お祝い金 3 万円 プレゼント! 詳しくは各職種の募集要項をご確認ください。 看護師 視能訓練士 医療事務 看護助手 MEDICAL CONTENTS Medical information Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology is a clinic that provides cosmetic dermatology and urology treatment centered on ophthalmology by ophthalmologists certified by the Japanese Ophthalmological Society. In order to meet a wide range of needs in one clinic, we provide medical care in multiple clinical departments. ptosis upside down eyelashes sty stain Sagging Anti-Aging FEATURE Features of our hospital Extensive experience in treating eyelids Our clinic is a clinic with a wealth of achievements in "eyelid treatment" such as ptosis and upside down eyelashes. A doctor who has studied at a university hospital and studied abroad in the United States and has experience in various eye disease surgeries will be in charge of ptosis, double eyelid surgery, and upside down eyelashes. Cosmetic dermatology treatment We also provide cosmetic dermatology treatment in order to respond to the request of "removing wrinkles and blemishes" from patients who have become able to see their faces better due to eye treatment. In addition to wrinkles and spots, we also remove warts and medical hair removal. 5 minute walk from the station Motomachi Union, where our clinic is located, is located in a convenient location, a 5-minute walk from JR Ishikawacho Station and a 5-minute walk from Motomachi-Chukagai Station on the Minatomirai Line. DOCTOR Doctor introduction This time, I have decided to open a hospital in Naka Ward, Yokohama, where I was born and raised. After working at a university hospital and studying abroad, in 2016, I became the director of the Oppama Ekimae Ophthalmology Clinic in Yokosuka City, and performed many cases such as one-day cataract surgery and blepharoptosis surgery. As the director, I felt a sense of purpose in my work at the clinic, which is closely involved in community medicine, and came to feel strongly that I wanted to contribute to the community where I was born and raised. We aim to be a friendly clinic where you can feel free to talk to us about any problem, no matter how small. We strive to provide care that is close to patients who have anxiety and difficulties related to illness. Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology ​ Director Yukiko Hasumi CASE Case introduction Aponeurotic ptosis with laterality is a typical example of hard contact lenses. Click here for details A case of double eyelid with thick skin and thick eyelids Click here for details About 10 years ago, a patient complained of heavy eyelids and tiredness in the evening. Click here for details A case of a patient who complained that it was difficult to see because the right and left eyelids were covered. Click here for details Postoperative course of a patient who is in trouble with ptosis but is afraid to cut it, so wants to have surgery for burial Click here for details A case of severe myopia and blepharoptosis after long-term use of hard contact lenses Click here for details 眼瞼下垂でまぶたが重く、睫毛が目に入ると言う事でいらっしゃった方の術後経過 詳しくはこちら 眼瞼下垂により、頭痛や肩こりに悩まされていた奥二重の方の眉下切開の一例です。 詳しくはこちら 逆さまつげでお困りの患者様です。切開法の重瞼形成+目頭切開を行いました。 詳しくはこちら CLINIC About our hospital Motomachi Union 3F, 4-166 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Phone: +81-45-319-4271 / Fax: +81-45-319-4272 TEL 045-319-4271 Online reservation 元町マリン眼科診療カレンダー

  • 採用情報|元町マリン眼科

    採用情報 Medical Contents スタッフ全員が輝ける職場を目指して 元町マリン眼科では、目と目の周りを健やかに保つための治療と アンチエイジングを通して地域に貢献し、スタッフ全員が輝ける職場を目指します ボタン 代表からのメッセージ ボタン 募集要項 ボタン マリン眼科について ボタン お問い合わせ ボタン スタッフインタビュー 当サイトからの応募で 採用​お祝い金 3 万円 プレゼント! ​Message Cosmetic dermatology treatment We also provide cosmetic dermatology treatment in order to respond to the request of "removing wrinkles and blemishes" from patients who have become able to see their faces better due to eye treatment. In addition to wrinkles and spots, we also remove warts and medical hair removal. 元町マリン眼科 院長 蓮見由紀子 About us マリン眼科について 私たちのクリニックについて 2020年に元町商店街に開院して4年、眼瞼下垂など瞼の手術を中心に、自由診療も組み合わせることで、目と目周りを健やかに保つトータルケアに特化したクリニックとして周辺地域の信頼を集めてきました。2022年にフロアを拡大してリニューアルオープンし、眼科、泌尿器科、美容皮膚科の専門分野を持ち、患者様一人ひとりと向き合う治療を提供しています。 勤務地の魅力 横浜・元町商店街の中心に位置する、アクセス便利なモダンな施設。周辺にはショップやカフェが充実。もとまちユニオンビル内で、仕事後のショッピングや食事にも最適。みなとみらい線とJR根岸線の両線の駅から徒歩5~6分と通勤にも好立地です。 女性が活躍する職場 20代から50代の様々な年齢層の女性スタッフが多数在籍し、働きやすい環境を実現。子育て中のスタッフも多数活躍しています。チームワークを重視し、スタッフ同士が支え合う温かな雰囲気の職場です。 実際に働いている方のインタビューを紹介します スタッフインタビュー Interview ​看護師 R.H 看護主任・眼科・美容皮膚科・泌尿器科の診療の補助など ​ #01 業務内容 看護主任 眼科・美容皮膚科・泌尿器科の診療の補助 下垂ope患者様の対応 ope前中後の看護 ope業務 美容カウンセリング施術 施術後のケア等指導 スタッフ指導育成等 日々の調整 物品管理 ​ #03 この職業を選んだきっかけ 恩師の勧めもあり進学しました。学んでいくたびに人に関わり、看護のやりがいを感じています。自分の人生においても重ねて学ぶことができるので天職だと思っています。 ​ #05 実際に入社して職場の雰囲気はどうですか? 検査・事務スタッフが多いのですが、事務業務以外でも率先して仕事をするのでお互いの仕事を思いやれる、和やかな職場だと感じます。 看護スタッフにおいても皆良く働き、明るく、優しい方ばかりです。 ​ #07 この仕事のやりがいを教えて下さい 患者様が来院される度に少しずつ改善がみられ、一緒に悩み励まし合いながら状態が回復していくのを支援できている事です。 ​ #02 一日のスケジュール 当日の予約をチェック 環境整備・物品準備 カンファレンスや院長に相談 予約の方に添って、美容やopeの施術準備 後片付け カルテ入力 データーの漏れ等ないかチェック 必要に応じ院長へ、報連相 次の方の予定をみて、滅菌業務や、必要物品補充 ​洗濯 終了 ​ #04 この医院で働きたいと思ったきっかけ 初めに手術の見学をさせて頂きました。先生の職人のような 技術をみて、心が動き即入職を志望しました。 以前は病院や在宅・訪問看護等で、クリニック業務は初めてでしたが、クリニックの空気感でワクワクしたのを覚えています。 ​ #06 蓮見先生はどんな先生ですか? 気さくで話しやすく、サバサバした性格です。常に情報のアンテナを立てていて、美意識が高い男前な方ですね! たまに見せる弱気な部分も人間味あって好きです。 ​ #08 今後の目標を教えて下さい 美容に関しては更にエキスパートになれるよう、学び続け、仲間を増やし もっと多くの患者様のケアをこなせるように、クリニックを繁栄させたいです。 あと、院長にも展望として話しているのですが、眼瞼下垂の病気について地域のコミュニティの場に行って、プレゼンできる機会を作りたいです。 S.K 視能訓練士 眼科検査、斜視弱視の検査・眼鏡やコンタクト処方など ​ #01 業務内容 眼科検査 斜視弱視の検査 眼鏡やコンタクト処方 ​ #03 この職業を選んだきっかけ 眼鏡店での勤務経験を通じ、眼はQOLに深く関係があることを感じた。より深く知りたいと思い資格を取得しようと思った。 ​ #05 実際に入社して職場の雰囲気はどうですか? まじめなスタッフが多く、穏やかな空気が流れている。スタッフ間だけでなくDrとも仕事の相談ができて風通しがよい。 ​ #07 この仕事のやりがいを教えて下さい 患者様からありがとうが聞けること。 自分の勉強した知識が役にたつと思うと嬉しい ​ #02 一日のスケジュール 9:30 出社 9:45 朝のミーティング 10:00-13:30 午前の検査 14:50-18:30 午後の準備・検査 ​ #04 この医院で働きたいと思ったきっかけ 眼瞼下垂のopeをしている為。他院で他の検査中に眼瞼が下がってくることに悩んでいる方とよくお会いするので、術後どのように変わるのか興味があった。HESS等の検査器機があり経験が積めるのも魅力に感じた。 ​ #06 蓮見先生はどんな先生ですか? 患者様によりそう気持ちが強く1人1人の方をよく覚えてらっしゃる。 悩みを解決するために熱心で、勉強を続けている探求心の強い方。 ​ #08 今後の目標を教えて下さい 患者様が安心できるような頼れるスタッフになる。 その為に勉強を続けます 医療事務・検査補助 M.I 受付・会計・検査、シュライバーなど ​ #01 業務内容 受付 会計 検査 シュライバー ​ #03 この職業を選んだきっかけ 誰かの役に立てるお仕事がしたかったので クリニックを選んだ理由は、患者様ひとりひとりに寄り添って仕事がしたかったのでクリニックにしました。 ​ #05 実際に入社して職場の雰囲気はどうですか? 先生を始め、スタッフ(事務)、看護師・ORT(検査員)などみなが仲よく、アットホームな 職場だと思います。仲がいいスタッフみな優しいクリニックだと思います。 ​ #07 この仕事のやりがいを教えて下さい 医療事務は、医師や看護師とは違い、患者様を直接治してあげたりはできないけれど、 患者様がクリニックに来て1番最初に会う「病院の顔」です。患者様に1番寄り添うことができる 仕事だと思っています。受付や検査などいろいろなことができるので、やりがいはあると思います。 ​ #02 一日のスケジュール 9:30頃に出勤、その日の自分のポジションの業務をする(受付・会計・検査など)。 19:00頃に退勤 ​ #04 この医院で働きたいと思ったきっかけ ホームページで院長が「地域に密接し、親しみやすい、患者様に寄り添うことができるクリニックを 目指している」というのを見て、私が理想としていた。目指していたことと同じだった為、私もここで働きたいと思いました。 ​ #06 蓮見先生はどんな先生ですか? 優しくて、スタッフ思いの先生だと思います。 患者さんにも優しくて、信頼されている先生です。 ​ #08 今後の目標を教えて下さい 今後はよりいっそう、患者様ひとりひとりに寄り添い、患者様が居心地のいい、暖かみを感じられるようなクリニックになれればいいなと思ってます。 Description ​募集要項 看護師の求人 看護師の求人 募集職種 看護師 業務内容 手術介助・診療補助・美容施術・採血や点滴注射、その他クリニックに付帯する業務 応募資格 正看護師・または准看護師 勤務地 医療法人マリン&サンズ 元町マリン眼科 勤務時間 9時45分~18時45分(うち休憩1時間) 給与 時給2,000円~(試用期間中は1800円) 賞与 年2回 業績による 昇給 あり 有給 半年経過後に就業規則に準じて付与 諸手当 通勤手当(上限なし)、その他クリニックの定めによる手当 休日 木曜・日曜・祝日 試用期間 3ヶ月 福利厚生 美容施術の職員割引(メニューの一部はモニターとして無料、または半額)や化粧品、物販の社員割引、制服貸与、休憩室あり 特記事項 就職祝い金支給 ※公式ホームページから直接応募の方のみ、クリニック規定に基づき支給 視能訓練士の求人 視能訓練士の求人 募集職種 視能訓練士 業務内容 眼科検査、メガネ・コンタクト処方、視野検査(GP含む)、診察補助、その他クリニックに付帯する業務 応募資格 視能訓練士 勤務地 医療法人マリン&サンズ 元町マリン眼科 勤務時間 9時45分~18時45分(うち休憩1時間) 給与 時給2,000円~(試用期間中は1800円) 賞与 年2回(業績による) 昇給 あり 有給 半年経過後に就業規則に準じて付与 諸手当 通勤手当(全額支給、上限なし) 休日 木曜・日曜・祝日 試用期間 3ヶ月 福利厚生 美容施術の職員割引(メニューの一部はモニターとして無料、または半額)や化粧品、物販の社員割引、制服貸与、休憩室あり 特記事項 就職祝い金支給 ※公式ホームページから直接応募の方のみ、クリニック規定に基づき支給 医療事務・検査補助の求人 医療事務・検査補助の求人 募集職種 医療事務・検査補助 業務内容 受付・会計・レセプト・検査補助・診察介助・電話応対、その他クリニックに付帯する業務 応募資格 ​無資格者可、入力等の基本的なPCスキルは必須(医療機関での就業経験があれば尚可) 勤務地 医療法人マリン&サンズ 元町マリン眼科 勤務時間 9時45分~18時45分(うち休憩1時間) 給与 時給1,200円~(試用期間中1,150円) 賞与 年2回 業績による 昇給 あり 有給 半年経過後に就業規則に準じて付与 諸手当 通勤手当(全額支給、上限なし) 休日 木曜・日曜・祝日 試用期間 3ヶ月 福利厚生 美容施術の職員割引(メニューの一部はモニターとして無料、または半額)や化粧品、物販の社員割引 特記事項 就職祝い金支給 ※公式ホームページから直接応募の方のみ、クリニック規定に基づき支給 看護助手の求人 看護助手の求人 募集職種 看護助手 業務内容 手術介助(外回り)・診療補助・美容施術補助・その他クリニックに付帯する業務 応募資格 無資格者可、入力等の基本的なPCスキルは必須(医療機関での就業経験があれば尚可) 勤務地 医療法人マリン&サンズ 元町マリン眼科 勤務時間 9時45分~18時45分(うち休憩1時間) 給与 時給1,200円~(試用期間中1,150円) 賞与 年2回(業績による) 昇給 あり 有給 半年経過後に就業規則に準じて付与 諸手当 通勤手当(上限なし)、その他クリニックの定めによる手当 休日 木曜・日曜・祝日 試用期間 3ヶ月 福利厚生 美容施術の職員割引(メニューの一部はモニターとして無料、または半額)や化粧品、物販の社員割引、制服貸与、休憩室あり 特記事項 就職祝い金支給 ※公式ホームページから直接応募の方のみ、クリニック規定に基づき支給 私たちと一緒に働きませんか? 元町マリン眼科では、こんな方のご応募お待ちしております! 明るくコミュニケーションが取れる方 医療業界経験者は優遇未経験者も歓迎 チームワークを 大切にできる方 当サイトからの応募で 採用​お祝い金 3 万円 プレゼント! Contact ご応募・お問い合わせ 応募する前に職場の雰囲気を確認したい方の職場見学は随時歓迎しております。お気軽にお問い合わせください! エントリーの際は、履歴書と職務経歴書を下記のアドレスまでお送りください。 Email: 〒231-0861 神奈川県横浜市中区元町4-166 もとまちユニオンビル 3階 元町マリン眼科内 採用担当 平瀬 宛 Inquiry form Send Thank you for your inquiry, please wait for a feedback

  • 採用情報|元町マリン眼科

    HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members RECRUIT Recruitment information Recruitment information for staff Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic is looking for an orthoptist to work with us. Jobs include general ophthalmological examinations, glasses and contact lens prescriptions, squint amblyopia, and GPs, and those who can work for a long time are given priority. Shorter working hours negotiable, fixed days of the week, 1-2 days a week is fine. For more informationHello Work Please see the vacancies information. To apply, please call orInquiry form You can also contact us from ​We look forward to your application. 詳細 Optometrist Jobs ​準備中です。募集再開のお知らせをお待ちください。

  • 眼科|元町マリン眼科

    HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members PTOSIS ptosis ​About ptosis What is ptosis eye Ptosis, as the name suggests, is a condition in which the eyelids droop, making it difficult to see. The eyelid protects the eyeball, moistens the surface of the eye when blinking, secretes tear components, etc., but it is the muscle tissue around the eyelid that moves the eyelid. For some reason, this function deteriorates, and if the pupil, which is the center of the pupil, is hidden, the field of vision will be blocked and it will be difficult to see. In order to lift the obstructive eyelids with the forehead, deep wrinkles are carved on the forehead, which may cause symptoms such as headaches. In addition, if the eyelids do not rise, the patient will be in a position to raise the chin and try to look up, causing symptoms such as stiff shoulders and neck. Since these are performed unconsciously, it is often the case that unexplained headaches and stiff shoulders are actually caused by ptosis. Types of ptosis Blepharoptosis can be congenital or acquired. Congenital ptosis can be an underdevelopment of the musculature within the eyelids or a problem with the shape of the eye you were born with. Acquired is aponeurotic ptosis, in which the muscle that lifts the eyelid (levator palpebrae superioris muscle) has detached from the eyelid, and eyelid skin that is difficult to see due to the heavy eyelid skin that has been stretched due to aging. There is flaccidity, and a combination of both. If it develops suddenly, it is better to consult a neurologist as soon as possible because a problem with the nerves or brain is suspected. Causes of drooping eyelids eye There are many different causes of drooping eyelids. If it is congenital, the cause is obvious, but if it is acquired, the person's predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits are involved in the onset, and the degree of occurrence varies on a case-by-case basis. Aponeurotic ptosis is known to be caused by mechanical irritation to the eyelids. For example, wearing hard contact lenses is famous. In addition, there have been reports of side effects of glaucoma eye drops, such as a history of intraocular surgery or trauma, frequent eye rubbing due to allergies or dry eyes, etc. How to treat ptosis For the treatment of ptosis, the first step is to exclude or treat internal diseases, and if the symptoms seem to be fixed, surgical treatment is considered. Surgery can be done on a day trip under local anesthesia unless it is a small child. There are many types of surgery, from surgery that does not cut the skin, to surgery that removes a large amount of skin, and grafting of tendons and artificial materials. The surgical procedure that suits each individual is determined based on the degree of ptosis, excess skin condition, and function of the levator muscle. In severe cases, multiple treatments may be required. Flow of blepharoptosis treatment First of all, you will receive counseling to diagnose whether the symptoms you are having trouble with are due to ptosis and whether the ptosis is the target of treatment. If ptosis is diagnosed, a simulation of surgery will be performed. For those who wish to have surgery, blood will be drawn to distinguish systemic diseases that cause ptosis. We will let you know the results of the blood test in about two weeks. If there is no abnormality in blood sampling, we will decide the date of surgery. Insurance coverage for drooping eyelids If blepharoptosis is diagnosed, surgery is covered by insurance. What is the difference between blepharoptosis surgery covered by insurance and cosmetic surgery performed by cosmetic surgery? That is, while blepharoptosis surgery performed by insurance aims to improve visual function and improve various symptoms caused by ptosis, cosmetic surgery is surgery performed to improve appearance. In blepharoptosis surgery covered by insurance, the appearance is secondary, so we cannot accept orders for the surgical method or double width. Therefore, people who are particular about their appearance may recommend cosmetic surgery. Cases not diagnosed as ptosis eye In order to be diagnosed with ptosis, it is necessary to meet the diagnostic criteria for ptosis. The distance from the edge of the upper eyelid to the center of the iris (pupil) is called MRD1 (Margin reflex distance), and if it is less than 2 mm, ptosis is diagnosed. In addition, as a criterion for whether or not to undergo surgery, our hospital emphasizes whether symptoms such as difficulty in seeing upwards, headaches, and stiff shoulders are caused by drooping eyelids. ​Ptosis cases Ptosis due to hard contact lenses Aponeurotic ptosis with laterality is a typical example of hard contact lenses. Click here for details Ptosis due to facial paralysis She has post-herpetic facial nerve palsy, and her left eyelid droops heavily. Click here for details Age-related eyelid laxity As we age, the skin on our forehead stretches and our eyebrows droop. Click here for details 眉下切開の術後経過 まぶたが重くて、睫毛が目に入ると言う事でいらっしゃった方です。 詳細はこちら 奥二重の方の眉下切開 2~3年前から瞼が重く感じ、頭痛や肩こりに悩まされていると言う事で来院されました。 詳細はこちら 目頭切開の併用 逆さまつげでお困りの患者様です。常に目頭側のまつ毛が入るので目が痒く、いつも抜いているとのことで来院されました。 詳細はこちら Frequently Asked Questions About Ptosis Q. I had a double surgery in cosmetic surgery before, but it came off a long time ago. Can I have surgery covered by insurance? ​A. I think the general interpretation is that if you have had surgery at your own expense, even once, you cannot have surgery covered by insurance. I agree with that, but I don't judge whether surgery is suitable for you based on the degree of ptosis and the symptoms you are having trouble with. Also, please do not make any false declarations as you will be able to know your past surgery history after surgery. Q. Can ptosis recur after blepharoptosis surgery? ​A. Since blepharoptosis is partly due to aging, it is possible that it will recur with age. If the cause is hard contact lenses, switching to soft contact lenses can prevent recurrence to some extent. If it recurs, it is possible to perform the operation again, but if the operation is performed on the same place, there is adhesion of the wound, etc., and the operation may become difficult and the swelling may be prolonged. Q. I'm worried because I heard that a celebrity had a failed surgery... ​A. As a surgeon, what I try to do is to choose a technique that gives the most natural finish possible. If you do not make a mistake in the surgical procedure, you will eventually get a natural finish, but during the downtime after the surgery, the bleeding will inevitably become a hematoma and the eyelids will swell. The wound is also red for about half a year. In addition, the scars will remain inconspicuous, but they will remain for the rest of your life. Video explanation! Flow of blepharoptosis surgery At Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology, we perform one-day surgery for ptosis. For those who are in trouble but can't decide to undergo surgery or are worried about surgery, we have created a guide that explains the flow of surgery so that you can undergo surgery with peace of mind. ​ 0:00 Introduction 0:31 Today's topic 0:53 Ptosis Symptoms and Counseling 1:57 Blood sampling and surgery appointment 2:47 Notes on the day 4:19 Postoperative Precautions and Expectations The ​ blog introduces cases of blepharoptosis surgery performed at our hospital. If you are considering surgery but are worried about postoperative swelling or the finish, please take a look. *All photos are published with the consent of the patient. Thank you for your cooperation! Show more

  • 予約方法|元町マリン眼科

    HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members RESERVATION ​reservation 眼科の予約 ophthalmology appointment Reservation priority becomes. Advance reservation online or by phone is recommended. ​​ *Ophthalmology appointments are subject to time priority. This is the time when you will come to the reception desk and be given priority guidance, including creating medical charts and filling out medical questionnaires in advance. It is not the start time for examinations or consultations. Also, depending on the situation on the day, we may keep you waiting even if you make a reservation. please note that. Guide to Online Reservation There are three types of ophthalmology appointments: "ophthalmology examination", "orthoptist", and "glasses/contact prescription". (Please note that if you make a reservation in a different frame, you may not be able to have an examination/consultation on the same day.) Reservations for visual field tests, treatments (including milia removal), and surgeries are only accepted by phone. (not available online) For general eye examinations, select "Ophthalmology Examination". Please make an appointment at "Cosmetic Dermatology Counseling" for examination of symptoms around the eyes such as milia. (Appointments can only be made by phone) For consultation on blepharoptosis, upside-down eyelash surgery, etc., it is necessary to consult with the director of the surgeon. (Please check the examination date and doctor change) If you are worried about your child's eyesight, strabismus, amblyopia, color blindness, etc., please select "Optologist". For eyeglasses and contact lenses, please select "Glasses and Contacts Prescription". ​ * If you have any questions about your reservation, please contact us directly by e-mail or telephone instead of the contact information column of the reservation. (Please note that even if you ask a question on the reservation site, we will not be able to reply in advance due to the convenience of the system.) *Please note that we do not accept reservations by email. *​Please make cancellations/changes from the reservation site. For those who want glasses or contact lenses Glasses and contact lenses require a prescription. If you would like to have a prescription issued, have your glasses made/changed, or purchase contact lenses, please make a reservation in the "Glasses/Contacts" frame when making an online reservation. If you are wearing contact lenses for the first time, it may take some time. If you cannot put on and take off the lenses by yourself, we cannot issue a prescription. Please note that you may be asked to come to practice again at a later date. ​Some contact lenses are not available. If you have a specific manufacturer you would like, please contact us by phone. Also, if you wish to purchase it at our clinic, it will take 3 days as it will be backordered. please note that. ​ Guidance on the day of the consultation Please come to the reception at the time of your reservation. The first floor entrance (Motomachi Union) opens at 10:00 in the morning. If you have an appointment at 10:00, please come after that. When visiting the hospital, please bring your health insurance card (medical card, certificate of maximum amount application, etc.). Ophthalmology is a time priority reservation system. We do not have a complete reservation system, so you may have to wait depending on the examination content or emergency measures on the day. (The appointment time is not the start time of the examination. Please note that it will take time to register medical records and perform tests in advance.) If you wear contact lenses, please remove them before examinations and examinations. Please bring spare contact lenses or glasses. 泌尿器科の予約 Urology appointment Reservation priority becomes. Advance reservation online or by phone is recommended. ​​ *Urology appointments are subject to time priority. This is the time when you will come to the reception desk and be given priority guidance, including creating medical charts and filling out medical questionnaires in advance. It is not the start time for examinations or consultations. Also, depending on the situation on the day, we may keep you waiting even if you make a reservation. please note that. Guide to Online Reservation Urology is open on Tuesday mornings (10:00-13:30) and Friday afternoons (15:00-18:30). 美容皮膚科の予約 Cosmetic dermatology appointment Treatment (HIFU / IPL / various peeling / dermapen / Q switch yag laser) By appointment only It is. Guide to Online Reservation Online reservations are limited. If there is no availability for your desired date, please call us to confirm. Re-examinations can only make a reservation at the online "Cosmetic Dermatology Treatment" for menus that have already received a consent form. If you are visiting for the first time, or if you are requesting a menu for the first time, you will need counseling in advance even if you are returning, and we will only accept calls over the phone. Please note that reservations cannot be made online. Reservations for menus not included in "Cosmetic Dermatology Treatment" (milia removal, wart removal, Botox injection, beauty drip/injection, etc.) can be made at reception or by phone. If you would like to remove milia, remove warts or moles, or just consult about skin concerns or cosmetics, please make an appointment for online counseling at "Cosmetic Dermatology Counseling" for the first time. . After the treatment policy is decided, we will make a reservation for the treatment again. Please note that we cannot accept same-day treatments. In addition, we may keep you waiting due to the effects of emergency ophthalmological procedures and examinations. Please contact us by phone if you would like a practitioner. Guidance on the day of the consultation Please complete the reception by the time of your reservation. (However, the 1st floor entrance (Motomachi Union)Open at 10:00 in the morning becomes. If you have an appointment at 10:00, please come after that. ) If you are late for your reservation time, you may not be able to receive the desired treatment and may incur a cancellation fee. Those who want a dermapen has an anesthetic cream applied in advance. Please come to the reception desk 15 minutes before the reservation time without makeup. again,No make-up is allowed for 12 hours after treatment So please be careful. Those who want hair removal , please come with a razor. ​ If you are coming for counseling, please come to the reception at your reservation time. Registration and preparation are required. Please note that the reservation time is not the time to start counseling. In addition, there is a possibility of delay due to the balance with the ophthalmology examination. Please make a reservation with plenty of time. Cosmetic Dermatology Cancellation Policy At our hospital, all of our staff are working hard to provide as many patients as possible with medical treatment and treatment that will satisfy them at the lowest possible cost. If you change or cancel your reservation on the day, cancel without notice, or be late, it will cause inconvenience to other patients. increase. Cancellation fee If you cancel on the day or cancel without notice, the following cancellation fee will be charged. ◇Cancellation fee for beauty treatment (HIFU treatment, IPL light treatment, dermapen, various peeling, Q-switch yag laser) and surgery (eyelid surgery, wart/mole removal surgery, etc.) … 3,300 yen Reservation changes, late arrivals, etc. ◇Reservation change/cancellation: Please contact us by 18:00 on the day before the reservation date (excluding non-consultation days). *Online reservation: Please cancel from the reservation site. *If you made a reservation by phone or at reception, please cancel by phone. ​ ◇If you are late on the day, please contact us before the reservation time. (If it is before 10:00, please leave a message on the answering machine.) *If you are late for more than 15 minutes, you may not be able to receive the desired treatment or it may be cancelled. (Please note that a cancellation fee will be charged in that case as well.) Other notes without permission If you repeatedly cancel or be late, we may refuse your next reservation. Cancellation fees will be charged at your next visit. If you do not pay the cancellation fee, we may refuse your next reservation. 予約はこちら Online reservation (24 hours reception) 045-319-4271 (within consultation hours) If you are a first-time patient, please download and bring the medical questionnaire in advance to shorten the waiting time at the first-visit reception. Please take advantage of it. Questionnaire download

  • 逆さまつげ|元町マリン眼科

    EYELASH upside down eyelashes HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members ​Upside down boxwood What is upside-down eyelashes Upside-down eyelashes are a disease that causes eyelashes to enter the eye for some reason, causing pain, a foreign body sensation, and tearing. The degree varies from one to a few eyelashes, or the entire eyelid curls inward. Upside-down eyelashes is not an official disease name. Each can occur both above and below. Causes of upside down eyelashes Upside down eyelashes are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital comes mainly from the shape of the face. In fact, Japanese and Asians have a high prevalence of eyelash entropion during infancy because they have a lot of excess skin on the inner corner of the eye called Mongolian folds and a lot of fat around the eyes. In mild cases, the subcutaneous fat of the face falls as the patient grows, and in many cases, the face heals naturally when the face becomes vertically elongated. It is said that if it does not heal by the age of 10, it is highly likely that it will not heal even in adulthood, so it may be a good idea to consider surgery at that age. Surgery is considered in infants and schoolchildren in cases where severe upside-down eyelashes damage the iris (cornea), or in cases of repeated eye discharge and tears. Acquired eyelid entropion occurs when the eyelid skin becomes saggy with age. Adults who undergo upside-down eyelash surgery have a pattern of those who were born and missed the surgery, and those who have sagging skin due to age. It is a characteristic of Asians, who have thick eyelids and a lot of fat, that the sagging due to aging tends to fall inward, and Westerners are more likely to develop valgus. Upside down eyelashes treatment If you have a few upside-down eyelashes, one way is to pull them out every time you visit the hospital. However, the eyelashes will grow again and again even if you pull them out. When going to the hospital is troublesome or cannot be done, radical treatment with surgery is considered. If there are only a few lashes, it is possible to remove the roots of the eyelashes with a needle to prevent them from growing without surgery. (Eyelash root electrolysis method) Since there is pain during electrification, anesthesia is injected. If there are many, it will take several times to completely electrolyze all the hair roots. If it is congenital and does not heal even after becoming an adult, burial method or incision entropy surgery is indicated. In the case of senility, lateral sagging is strong, so a surgical method for shortening in the horizontal direction is selected. A case of upside-down eyelashes eyelash entropion It is single, with the upper skin covering facing down the eyelashes. Click here for details Age-related entropion of the lower eyelid The lower eyelids are loose and curled inward, and the eyelashes are tucked toward the eyeball. Click here for details Age-related entropion of the lower eyelid The lower eyelids are loose and curled inward, and the eyelashes are tucked toward the eyeball. Click here for details

  • 問診票|元町マリン眼科

    HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members DOWNLOAD Interview sheet Questionnaire download We will ask you to fill out a medical questionnaire on your first visit. If you print it out from your home computer and bring it with you, you can shorten the waiting time at the reception on the day. If you are interested, please use the form below. download ophthalmology questionnaire Download Medical Questionnaire (Ophthalmology) download Cosmetic Dermatology Questionnaire download Urology Questionnaire download Influenza vaccination pre-examination form (under 65 years old) * If you are 65 years old or older, we will give you a special pre-examination slip at the reception of our hospital.

  • シミ|元町マリン眼科

    SPOT stain HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members About ​ stains The equipment that Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology uses to remove blemishes is Lutronic's Spectra Q-switched yag laser. Spectra has a short wavelength in nanoseconds and irradiates melanin with a highly absorbing wavelength laser to cause thermal coagulation. The melanin-rich spots form scabs and peel off, leaving new skin underneath to heal. Thick stains and warts may not be removed in one go. Irradiation takes only a few minutes, but it is painful, so if you are sensitive to pain, we have the option of applying anesthesia tape or applying anesthesia cream. Covering with tape is required for 2 weeks after irradiation. After that, try to avoid UV rays with sunscreen. ​ In addition, inflammatory pigmentation, which turns reddish-black where the stain has been removed, occurs with a probability of about 60%. Inflammatory pigmentation peaks after one month, then fades with the passage of time and blends with other skin colors in about half a year. Whitening agents such as hydroquinone may be used. 医療脱毛メリット・デメリット 医療脱毛の主なメリットは、永続的な脱毛が可能であることです。しかし、施術は痛みを伴い、通常複数回の施術が必要です。一般的には多毛であると回数がかかります。また、医療脱毛はエステサロンなどの脱毛方法と比べて費用が高くなることが一般的です。 医療脱毛は、皮膚の色や毛の色によって効果が異なる場合があります。特に、黒い肌や白い毛を持つ人には、効果が低い場合があるため、施術前に医師と相談することが重要です。また、施術後の注意点もありますので、医師や看護師から指示を受けるようにしましょう。 ひげ脱毛とニキビ治療 ひげとニキビが混在しています。ニキビは毛根の炎症なのでヒゲに沿って炎症が起きます 詳細はこちら ひげ脱毛 あごの下から首にかけて濃く生えた毛を気にしているけども、医療脱毛は“痛い”イメージが強くてなかなか開始することができなかった患者さんの症例です 詳細はこちら

  • About us | 元町マリン眼科

    About Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic Location: 4-166 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Motomachi Union 3rd floor Telephone: 045-319-4271 FAX: 045-319-4272 mail: Message from Dr. Hasumi I am Dr. Hasumi, the director of Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic. This time around, I decided to open a Clinic in Naka Ward, Yokohama city where I was born and raised. After working at a university hospital and studying abroad, in 2016 I became the director of the Oppama Ekimae Eye Clinic in Yokosuka City, where I have performed many cases such as cataract surgery and ptosis surgery. As a director, I felt motivated by the work of the clinic, which is closely related to regional medical care, and became strongly motivated to contribute to the community in my hometown. We aim to be a friendly clinic where you can feel free to contact us for any concerns you may have. I am trying to treat patients who have anxiety and difficulties about their illness. We would like to help everyone in Motomachi area and the surrounding communities for a long time. Best regards. アンカー 1 ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. ​The director was interviewed by the medical media Medical DOC. Explains those who are prone to ptosis and self-checks for ptosis. ​Our hospital is on the hospital town net I was interviewed. ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. Memberships 〇 Doctoral degree from Yokohama City University Graduate school of medicine 〇 Japanese Ophthalmological Society 〇 Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society 〇 Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 〇 Japanese Association for Ocular Infection 〇 Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgery Biography of the director Born in Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kitagata Elementary School, Graduated from Nakaodai Junior High School and Yokohama Midorigaoka High School 2001 Graduated from Shinshu University School of Medicine 2001-Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital Resident 2003-Fujisawa Municipal Hospital Ophthalmology Specialist 2005-Doctoral course, Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama City University 2007-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Researcher 2014-Worked at Yokohama-Minami Kyosai Hospital, Aoto Ophthalmology 2016-Sofukai Oppama Ekimae Eye Clinic Director 2020 Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic opens

  • お問合せ | 元町マリン眼科 | 日本

    Click here for inquiries and questions ​ Q. My school examination pointed out that my eyesight was poor. In what frame should I make a reservation? A. If the judgment is "C" or "D", it may be necessary to remake or remake the glasses. Please make a reservation in the frame of "Orthoptist" or "Glasses Contact" that can prescribe glasses. Q. There are grain seeds around my eyes, and I would like to have the treatment on the day. Is it possible to have treatment on the day? A. It is difficult to self-diagnose the warts and grain species around the eyes, so first check the lesion with a microscope by counseling and explain the necessary treatment and cost for the diagnosis. Therefore, we do not accept treatment on the day. After listening to the explanation carefully, if you wish to have treatment, we will make an appointment for treatment at a later date. For online reservations, please make a reservation for counseling in the "Cosmetology Counseling" frame. * Only Director Hasumi is in charge of the medical examination. Q. I would like to remove the grain seeds. How much does it cost? A. The removal of grain seeds is covered by insurance. The cost will be around 1,000 yen for those who bear 30%. In addition, at our hospital, the number of treatments that can be taken at one time is up to 10, so if the number is large, the treatment will be divided into multiple treatments. please note that. Q. My health checkup required a re-examination due to an enlarged optic nerve depression. Can I have an inspection on the day? A. We will perform a detailed examination of glaucoma. The visual field test will be handled at a later date. Please refrain from visiting the hospital by car as the examination will be performed using eye drops that open the pupil on the day. Q. I would like to use contact lenses. A. To purchase contact lenses, you will need a prescription that specifies the manufacturer, brand, and power. Please specify from the lenses available at this hospital. Please note that we cannot prescribe lenses that are not available at our hospital. For more information, please contact us by phone or email. ​ Q. Can I buy contact lenses on the day of the test? A. We prescribe contact lenses, but we do not have contact lenses in stock, so you cannot purchase them on the day. You can pick it up 2-3 days after you place your order, or you can have it delivered to your home from the manufacturer. (Shipping fee may be required) It is also possible to issue a prescription only, so you can purchase it at contact stores. Q. Can I use a credit card? A. We accept credit cards from 1 yen regardless of whether you have medical insurance or free medical treatment. Credit cards are compatible with VISA, Master, JCB, AMEX and Diners. You can also use transportation electronic money such as Suica and PASMO. In addition, we do not support bar code payment such as Paypay. note that. Click here for inquiries and questions motomachi marine eye clinic ​ 4-166 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Motomachi Union 3rd floor ​ Phone: 045-319-4271 FAX: 045-319-4272 Email: For inquiries Send Thank you for your inquiry, please wait for a feedback

  • アートメイク|元町マリン眼科

    MAKEUP permanent makeup HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members About permanent makeup イボについて 俗に言うイボとは、顔面にできる様々な膨らんだ病変のことをさしますが、イボにも様々な種類があります。当院では目の周りのいぼ切除を行っておりますが、その中でも頻度の高いものからご紹介していきます。 脂漏性角化症 こめかみや目の周りなど、露光部に好発する膨らんだシミは脂漏性角化症というもので、表皮が増殖している状態です。たまに痒みや赤みを伴うことがありますが、多くは無症状です。これは老人性色素斑からの発生も見られます。悪性ではありませんが、増大傾向がありしばしば多発します。 治療は切除、液体窒素による冷凍凝固、電気焼却などがあります。当院では自由診療として高周波メスでの切除を行っております。 脂漏性角化症の切除の症例はこちら 脂漏性角化症 除去の経過 頬にたくさん茶色のシミがあり、一部膨らんでいるものもあります。一番目立つ大きい膨らんだシミは脂漏性角化症です。後は老人性色素斑と脂漏性角化症が混在していると思われます。 詳細はこちら 黒子(ほくろ) 黒子は母斑とも呼ばれ、メラノサイトに似た母斑細胞が皮膚の深いところで増殖する良性腫瘍です。色調は褐色~黒など様々ですが、母斑細胞がメラニン顆粒を作るためです。小さなものは悪性の可能性はほぼありませんが、大きなものや増大傾向があるもの、形や色が不整なものは悪性の可能性があるため、病理検査を行います。 当院では目の周りの黒子の切除を行っております。保険適応となるかどうかは、所見次第ですので一度カウンセリングにお越しいただき、切除は別の日に行います。 切除方法は、メスによる切除、超音波メスによる切除、レーザー治療などです。深いものは一度では取り切れずに複数回の治療となることがあります。また、傷跡はしばらく赤黒い色調になりますが、半年くらいで目立たなくなります。 黒子の切除の症例はこちら 目頭の大きな黒子の手術 頭の大きな黒子が大きくなってきて、目ヤニが出て邪魔、と言う事でいらっしゃいました。見やすいように拡げてみると、ちょうど涙点という涙の出口のところに大きな黒子が出来ています。 詳細はこちら また、術後のケアについては以下を参照してください。 イボや黒子を取った後の術後のケア いぼをとったところには、当院で販売しております、茶色のテープを張っていただきます。 傷をきれいにしてまずはテープを張りましょう。その上から、当院で処方される軟膏(青い蓋の軟膏入れ)を塗ってください。 詳細はこちら 霰粒腫(さんりゅうしゅ) いわゆるものもらいは、正式には霰粒腫という病名です。まぶたの中には瞼板という、油を作る腺組織の塊があります。マイボーム腺といって、涙の中の油分を作っているところです。 この油が目詰まりを起こすと瞼板の中に油が溜まってしこりを触れるようになります。まだこの時点では痛みはなく、しこりが触れるだけなのですが、その中身が炎症を起こすと急激に腫れて痛みが出てきます。 良性のできものなので、ほっておいても徐々に吸収されていずれはなくなりますが、しこりが大きいと吸収には時間がかかり、時には数か月~年単位かかることもあります。また、高齢者のなかなか治らない霰粒腫は、悪性腫瘍の可能性もまれにありますので、切除して病理検査を検討します。 霰粒腫の摘出手術は保険適応となります。手術は局所麻酔で行い、数分で終わりますが、中身はコロッと出るわけではありません。中身をなるべく減らして吸収を早める手術です。大きなしこりとなった霰粒腫は自然の経過では吸収に時間がかかりますので、切れば痛みや出血は当然ありますが、吸収するために要する時間を短縮できます。 皮膚面に発赤を伴って隆起している霰粒腫は表から切開を行い、皮膚面の縫合が必要になることもあります。その場合は抜糸が必要です。 霰粒腫の症例はこちら 霰粒腫の切除 大きな腫瘤の中には黄色っぽい膿も透けて見えます。 ものもらいで視界も遮られてしまっています。 詳細はこちら 大きな霰粒腫の切開 裏側からも中身が透けて見えます。この方は裏側からの切開で摘出しました。表側には傷は残らず、裏側は縫合しませんので抜糸は必要ありません。 詳細はこちら また、切った方が良いかどうかの判断に関する院長のコラムは こちら 稗粒腫(はいりゅうしゅ) 稗粒腫とは、小さなお子さんや女性の多く見られる、目の周りの1~2ミリの白いぷつぷつです。痛くもかゆくもないですが、一度できるとなかなか取れません。中には角質という皮膚の表面の油分が入っています。 治療は清潔な針で刺して中身を出すことです。稗粒腫の摘出は、保険診療で行えます。治療は清潔な針を刺して、小さな穴を開けて中身を出すこです。 針をさすので、もちろん痛みがあります。1個~2個であれば、痛みは我慢してもらいますが、10個も20個も、となると痛いので、麻酔をして行うことも可能です。 傷あとはかさぶたが取れるまで軟膏を塗って処置をします。 稗粒腫の症例はこちら 稗粒腫 白ニキビとは違う、目の周りの皮膚にできる1~2ミリの白いプツプツがあります。皮膚の中に角質が溜まってしまっている状態です。 詳細はこちら 汗管腫(かんかんしゅ) 汗管腫はエクリン腺という汗を出す器官の細胞が増殖してできる良性腫瘍で、2~3mmほどの肌色の扁平な隆起が多発します。前述の稗粒腫とよく間違われますが、中身は角質ではなく、腫瘍細胞です。 特に思春期以降の女性によく発現します。瞼や目の下にできることが多く、胸や額、首、腹部、ワキや大腿などにもできることがあります。 左右対称に多発するのが特徴で、炎症症状やかゆみはありません。良く汗をかく夏季に増悪が見られることがあります。汗管腫が発生する原因はまだ解明されていませんが、遺伝的な疾患である可能性が高いと言われています。 ​ 汗管腫の治療は難しく、隆起が大きくて目立つようなら隆起している部分を削る治療となりますが、腫瘍は分厚いため全部を削ると凹みが生じてしまいます。また汗管腫は他の皮膚と色が違うので、色調の違いが目立つようになるケースもあります。 当院ではご希望の方に、まず数個から超音波メスで切除を行っております。治癒過程を理解し納得いただける方には全切除をお勧めしております。 切除後は2週間のテープ貼付を行っていただきますが、術後しばらくは炎症後色素沈着が目立ちます。炎症後色素沈着は徐々に薄くなり、半年くらいで他の皮膚となじみます。 汗管腫の症例はこちら 汗管腫 稗粒腫や加齢でできるイボなどと間違われやすいですが全く違うものです。放置していても問題はありませんが、美容的な観点から治療が必要な場合があります。 詳細はこちら イボ治療にかかる費用と流れについて 費用は1,100円×ミリ数です。カウンセリング時にお見積りをお伝えいたします。いぼの切除は痛みを伴います。カウンセリング時に麻酔テープ(1枚110円)をご購入いただき、施術の1時間前に貼ってお越しください。たくさんある、またはどれがいぼだかわからない、という方は来院後に麻酔クリームを塗るオプションもあります(1,100円) 術後は2週間程度茶色いテープを貼って過ごしていただくことになりますので、術後の予定を確認してからお申し込みください。また、術後の赤い皮膚はまだ弱い皮膚なので、テープを剥がした後も1か月の間は日焼け止めをしっかり塗って、紫外線を避けるようにしてください。 イボや黒子の切除後はいったん赤黒く色素沈着(炎症後色素沈着)を起こし、それが半年くらいかけて徐々に薄く目立たなくなっていきます。しばらくはかえって目立つように感じるかもしれませんが、いずれ薄くなりますのでハイドロキノン塗布や色素沈着を抑える内服などを併用して様子を見ます。 リスク:痛み、出血、色素沈着、色素脱失など。 イボ(脂漏性角化症)治療の流れについては こちら

  • 眼科|元町マリン眼科

    HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members OPHTHALMOLOGY Ophthalmology Target disease Nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia Glaucoma diabetic retinopathy Dry eye ptosis sty eyeglass prescription Cataract color blindness allergic conjunctivitis pterygium uveitis contact lens prescription age-related macular degeneration strabismus, amblyopia upside down eyelashes eyelid tumor retinitis pigmentosa For examinations such as blepharoptosis and upside-down eyelash surgery, please come on the day of the doctor's examination. If you have concerns about your child's vision, such as squint or low vision, please make an appointment on Monday/Wednesday/Saturday afternoons when an orthoptist is available. If you would like a prescription for contact lenses or glasses, please make an appointment on Monday/Wednesday/Saturday or Friday afternoon. If it is your first time to receive a prescription for glasses or contact lenses, it may take some time. In addition, there is a limit to the number of items we can handle, so please contact us in advance if you have a specific manufacturer that you would like to use. For aesthetic consultations around the eyes, such as milia, please make an appointment for beauty counseling first. 眼科診察のご案内 available surgery laser photocoagulation (retinal tear ・diabetic retinopathy ・Retinal vein occlusion, etc. ) Secondary cataract laser treatment glaucoma laser treatment Vitreous injection for age-related macular degeneration and retinal vein occlusion Dry eye treatment (punctal plug) Electrolysis and surgery for upside-down eyelashes Surgery to incise or remove a chalazion or stye Surgery for ptosis (covered by insurance) Botox treatment for blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm About ptosis Blepharoptosis is a condition in which the eyelids droop, making it difficult to see. If you've been told that your eyes have gotten smaller as you get older, or that you're always sleeping, you may have blepharoptosis. When the eyelids droop, the field of vision is narrowed and it becomes difficult to see above. In addition, because it is difficult to see, you may have to use your forehead to lift your eyelids or lift your chin to see things, which may cause stiff shoulders and muscle tension headaches. Click here for details About upside down eyelashes The function of the eyelashes is mainly to grow densely around the eyes and to prevent foreign objects from entering the eyes. If your eyelashes are oriented correctly, they will do their job and protect your eyes. However, sometimes it grows like a sting toward the inside of the eye. When this happens, it causes a prickly irritation to the eyes and sometimes damages the black eye (cornea). Click here for details About stye There are two main types of stye. They are chalazion and hordeolum. A chalazion is simply a type of stye filled with fat. Inside the eyelids, there are secretory glands called “meibomian glands” that secrete important fat to protect the eyes from dryness. When it becomes clogged, oil accumulates and causes swelling. Another type of hordeolum is inflammation caused by bacteria entering a secretory gland other than the meibomian gland. It is a disease in which this ubiquitous bacteria causes inflammation when the body's resistance is weakened or when the eyes are rubbed with dirty hands. Click here for details Ophthalmology consultation hours ophthalmology doctor Monday 10:00-13:30 (Tase) / 15:00-18:30 (Director) Tues 10:00-13:30 (Director) / Afternoon by appointment only (surgery/treatment) Wednesday 10:00-13:30 (Director) / 15:00-18:30 (Director) Friday 10:00-13:30 (Director) / 15:00-18:30 (Takeda) Sat 10:00-13:30 (Director/Substitute) / 15:00-18:30 (Director/Substitute) ​ *Please complete the reception 30 minutes before the end time ​ ●Non-consultation days Thursdays, Sundays, Holidays About ophthalmology appointment Reservation priority (time reservation system) becomes. Some tests have specific days and times. For more information Reservation page please see Click here to make a reservation Affiliated medical institution Yokohama City University Hospital Yokohama City University Medical Center Minato Red Cross Hospital Keiyu Hospital, etc. Patients who need treatment such as internal eye surgery and hospitalization will be referred to affiliated medical institutions. Please contact us if you have a desired referral destination. Our facility Optical coherence tomography with retinal camera (Retina Scan Duo™ ) Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become indispensable for diagnosing and treating retinal diseases. The optical coherence tomography with a retinal camera (Retina Scan Duo™) used at our hospital is compact yet capable of high-quality imaging. can go to automatic perimeter ( Kowa AP7700 ) Regular visual field tests are necessary to determine the progression of glaucoma. The AP7700 used at our hospital is equipped with a wide variety of testing programs, including central visual field testing, full visual field testing, screening testing, threshold testing, and isopter testing. In addition to many static inspections, dynamic inspections, inspections with time-saving modes, and manual inspections are possible. The Japanese database is used for the healthy subject database, which is useful for diagnosing normal tension glaucoma, which is common among Japanese people. The isopter test has a visual field impairment grading support function, and also supports visual impairment grading. Hescoge meter (red-green test) Double vision is a state in which an object appears to be in two. Since we have two eyes, double vision occurs when the directions and movements of both eyes are not aligned. This is a test that separates both eyes with red and green lenses and sees the movement of each eye. This is a test for eye movement disorder due to strabismus or nerve palsy. ​For other facilities, please see the blog.

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